Adding image in header of blogspot blog will not only increase the appearance but it will also give a spicy look to your blog!
Below is the simple tutorial on how to add header image.

Step 1: 

Go to blogger dashboard(home), select the blog in which you have to add the header.

Step 2: 

Click on Layout>>header(edit)

Step 3: 

Upload the the image which contains a TITLE and short SUBTITLE & A logo(your personal created)

NOTE: There are two ways to upload image,
1.From PC
2.From web
If you have your header image in some image hosting site such as( post image ) then paste the direct link of image and click beside instead of title and description & shrink to fit(optional),click save now.Thats it!
To get an idea about header,(see here)

>>Create a header using any photoshop app or using online editing tools.
>>The header's width×height should be nearly 800×300(you can customize the size as per as your blog look)
>>The header should contain a title, subtitle & logo
Comment below if you face any problem or if you have any doubts.

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