If you have some important files and you want to share it with someone then your search ends here!
Learn how to share huge files online with anyone around the globe.

About  wetransfer

Wetransfer helps you to share your files with anyone around.The best part about wetransfer that makes it different from other is No logins-No registration and You can share really big files upto 2GB.You can also enjoy more benefits with premium account.

How it Works

First you are required to upload the respective file to wetransfer .
After uploading you can either send it via mail or you can copy and send the link that wetransfer will provide you after uploading your file.You can also share your links on social networks.

NOTE:The file will automatically get deleted after one week.So it's important that the person with whom you are sharing file should download it before one week.

There are also other services for file transfer such as PipebytesGe.tt,etc.

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