Behind every successful blog there may be some unsuccessful days.If you are nowhere today that doesn't mean you can't be successful at blogging.Blogging means learning learning and learning!
There may be many problems but below are top 5 problems faced by a newbie blogger in early days.

Confused With The Niche

People at early get confused regarding which niche to choose,which one will work best,etc.Many keep changing their niche until they find the one which suits them best.

Lack Of Traffic

Yes,this is the problem faced by every blogger.No SEO knowledge,No traffic to blog makes many people quit blogging.

Lack Of Knowledge

Blogging is all about knowledge and experience.A newbie gets confused with what to share,how to share,etc.

Availability Of Many Platforms

A newbie may get confused while choosing a blogging platform.
Wordpress OR Blogger?(Though there are many platforms people get confused with these two the most)

No Knowledge Of Coding

A person with no knowledge of coding may find difficulties in customizing design of blog.

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